Scott Hardie | August 3, 2005
This is not about rap battles. I wonder, is it just me? Or is it becoming impossible to search for song lyrics on the web without every site trying to hijack your machine with Trojans and spyware (or at the very least, masses of pop-up ads)? I'm sure there are safe, reliable sites out there, and I'm sure one or two will be linked henceforth, but what's up with the vast majority of them? Why is so much spyware and malware concentrated on sites with such a specific subject matter? The only other subject I can think of with that many other insidious web sites is porn, which is a long way from song lyrics. Anybody know the reason or want to guess?

Amy Austin | August 3, 2005
Shouldn't even be here right now -- it's just more painful procrastination. But just "checking in" and felt compelled by comiseration to comment here... call it my "one cent". ;-D

I have noticed that malware definitely plagues the music sites in general, second only -- as you say -- to porn. The only reason I can figure for this is that, on the whole, it is probably the second largest money-making industry on the Internet. I mean, even those who aren't wanting to spend their bucks on buying CDs or even downloading them (those pirates that you hate so much! ;-D ...and Kris... ;-DDD) can usually still be found on one of these places looking for lyrics. I myself haven't bought any music in... literally, years!... but I still have the urge to look up lyrics quite often. (Not *so* often anymore, however, strictly because of this problem that you mention!) Music (like porn) just has universal appeal that makes it really easy to target consumers of it... the expression "sex, drugs, & rock 'n' roll" ain't around for nothing! You can bet that if some drugs ever became legal (marijuana) and had open market on the Net, the pop-ups would surely flock there, too!!! ;-DDD

Kind of a weird thing to be commenting on after more than a week's absence, I know... but hopefully, I will find myself able to do this in full relaxation mode by tomorrow night, and then I will take the time to tell you about my very awful, but in a good way, week. Later...

Michael Paul Cote | August 4, 2005
It's always good to see your comments Amy, for whatever reason. Good luck with your monumental chore and hurry back.

John E Gunter | August 4, 2005
Well, there aren't many lyrics on these two sites, but you'll see more on the one from time to time.



The second one will grow over time as I get the chance to add more lyrics. Course, it will only be songs I like, so you're at my mercy using those sites! :-D


Amy Austin | August 6, 2005
Aw, shucks... thanks, Mike! ;-)

Scott Hardie | August 7, 2005
You don't have Le Tigre lyrics, do you, John? Besides personal curiosity when I hear a mumbled line in a song I like, I also sometimes need song lyrics for writing goo clues. I would use them more often than song titles and album titles if I had a reliable place to find them. :-\

John E Gunter | August 8, 2005
You don't have Le Tigre lyrics, do you, John?

Nope sorry.


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