Scott Hardie | October 24, 2004
Who here has actually listened to "Dark Side of the Moon" while watching "The Wizard of Oz"? Is it truly an amazing match, or is that just an urban legend that nobody debunks because nobody actually tries it? I've always wondered when MGM is going to publish a DVD of the movie with that album as an alternate audio track. In any case, experiencing the album and movie together is on my short list of things I want to do before I die.

Anna Gregoline | October 24, 2004
Jesse said he's done it and it works perfectly.

Kris Weberg | October 24, 2004
I doubt MGM will publish such a thing -- too many contract and licensing rights issues, not to mention that the bad has always said that the coincidence is unintentional.

Scott Horowitz | October 25, 2004
I found this on The urban legends reference page.

Lori Lancaster | October 25, 2004
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Erik Bates | October 25, 2004
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | October 25, 2004
[hidden by request]

Kris Weberg | October 26, 2004
I never liked Pink Floyd enough to try it.

Anna Gregoline | October 26, 2004
I've never been a huge fan either. I'm of the opinion that the mood-altering drugs are necessary.

Kris Weberg | October 26, 2004
Yeah, I've generally enjoyed them most while drunk, or...let's stop at "drunk," shall we?

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