Tony Peters | March 24, 2008
could a Terror Alert be called for such a silly reason. I feel bad for the bomb tech who had to "difuse it"

Aaron Shurtleff | March 24, 2008
As opposed to Massachusetts, where it takes a Lite-Brite showing a cartoon character flashing a one-finger salute. Every state's been flying off the handle nowadays. Don't hate on Florida. ;)

Tony Peters | March 24, 2008
hey now I'm not deffending Massachusettes (notice I'm in Rhode Island) just that investigating the "Pipe Bomb" in Florida is going to be embarrassing

Aaron Shurtleff | March 24, 2008
That's why they had the robot do it! :) They have no emotions, after all! :D

Tony Peters | March 24, 2008
yeah the poor robot had to "handle" the situation

Scott Hardie | March 25, 2008
Why do I imagine Jay Leno dusting off an old roladex of unused Lorena Bobbitt jokes for this?

Amy Austin | March 25, 2008
Why do I imagine Jay Leno dusting off an old roladex of unused Lorena Bobbitt jokes for this?

Mmm... well, one good "dusting off" deserves another, I suppose... the article is from 2005 -- which makes me wonder a little about how it was stumbled upon? ;-7

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