Steve West's Avatar
Steve West | April 17, 2008
The very short story behind that photo is my oldest daughter's insistence that I change the photo. She naturally volunteered to be the photographer. While I was sitting at my computer thinking of an appropriate pose, she snapped that candid shot.
Aaron Shurtleff | April 17, 2008
Yeah, it is a good picture. I should update mine. I need to get my camera...and my wife to snap the photo. Where did I put that camera?
Amy Austin | April 17, 2008
I couldn't have put it any better myself... I've been wanting to compliment it for a while now, but that about says it all, Steve. Uh, Steve. ;-) Even better to learn that it's a candid -- I just thought it was a very good self-shot, meant to convey all that has been attributed... perfect!
(What's the matter... was she bothered about being in the photo, too, or did she have other reasons? I know how teen/pre-teen girls can be! ;-D)
Aaron... yes, you do -- get on it!
Lori Lancaster | April 17, 2008
[hidden by request]
Scott Hardie | April 18, 2008
I like the picture too, Steve. I want to draw red laser beams coming out of your eyes. Red laser beams that somehow help you win the goo game.
Other recent new photos: Steve Dunn, Amy, Erik, and Matthew Preston.
Amy Austin | April 18, 2008
Steve West | April 18, 2008
Honey!!! I melted the computer again!
Lori Lancaster | April 18, 2008
[hidden by request]
Amy Austin | April 18, 2008
I see you're left-eye dominant, like I am... ;-D
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Steve Dunn | April 17, 2008
I think Steve West's new photo is perfect. He looks like he's deep in thought, like pondering his next move in a game of chess. It's ideal for the Rock Block and Goo games, because it's exactly how a dominant player would look while in the process of dominating. It also works on TC because it's like, "I see what you're saying and I understand it. Here is another idea."
Looking good, Steve West. Looking good.