Scott Hardie | November 23, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that everyone has a nice holiday and a great long weekend.

What's your favorite stuffing?

We're going to eat out with family this year, but Kelly's usual annual stuffing is made with bits of sourdough bread, ground sausage, green apples, onions, celery, and sage. It's delicious.

Erik Bates | November 26, 2022
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Scott Hardie | November 26, 2022
Right! I always forget to say dressing instead of stuffing. My family only used the latter term and it stuck.

If you'll forgive the question, Erik, is your mother-in-law's mother-in-law still around and eating Thanksgiving dinner with you all? It seems like an odd choice to continue making it her way. But I know that some families get set in their traditions. Kelly's grandfather liked raisins in stuffing, so that's how it gets made to this day at every annual gathering of 50+ relatives, despite him dying decades ago and everyone else in the family hating it that way. Kelly's mother completely lost her filter after a few strokes and even once yelled, "Who the fuck puts raisins in stuffing?!" one legendary year, but the tradition still continues. :-)

Steve West | November 26, 2022
I tried stuffing with oysters, once. Once. It really wasn't that bad but once was enough.

Erik Bates | November 27, 2022
[hidden by request]

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