Scott Hardie | February 29, 2008
There's trouble in the Big Brother house: One of the contestants has called autistic people "retards," saying it's ok because "I work with them all day," and has set off a firestorm of protest from autism foundations. (link) What I wonder is: At a press conference, after denouncing the term "retards" for autism sufferers as offensive, did the foundation spokesperson then groan unintelligibly and begin slapping the side of their hand against their chest to demonstrate? Before you go protecting your own group from this kind of slander, remember that they're being called members of another group, and you've just said it's offensive to be called a member of that group. I expect the spokespeople for mental-retardation foundations to begin protesting the protests by autism foundation spokespeople.

Kelly Lee | February 29, 2008

Anna Gregoline | February 29, 2008
Big Brother is still on?

Erik Bates | February 29, 2008
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | February 29, 2008
I stumbled over that one several times in a row, too, Erik... mostly because I kept imagining just how one might hold a throat to a throat -- the most persistent image was a good old-fashioned WWF-style body slam.

Tony Peters | March 1, 2008
this is all the writer's fault none of this would have happened if they hadn't gone on strike....

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