Summer Comic Strip Round-Up
Anthony Lewis | September 6, 2004
Get Fuzzy is one of my favorites. You KNOW it's not grounded in any kind of reality, because if Bucky Katt were MY cat...he'd be dead. No doubt.
Erik Bates | September 6, 2004
[hidden by request]
Scott Hardie | September 6, 2004
That "Red & Rover" strip ran at the end of a weeklong series in which they were trying to catch the so-called "Moby Tadpole" at the local pond. The series left me so bored I had stopped reading the dialogue and was only glancing at it. Thus, the second panel hadn't registered, so it seemed to me that Red was blathering on about this Moby Tadpole and out of nowhere Rover said, "I'm neutered," in two words demonstrating that he just plain didn't give a shit about the boy's tadpole. It was a lot funnier until I went back and actually read the text.
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Scott Hardie | September 5, 2004

I haven't been reading so many different comic strips each day since I started working full-time in early summer, so this collection bears a lot of repeat titles. These are my favorite comic strips from the last three months.
Get Fuzzy
Mister Boffo
The Duplex
One Big Happy
Pooch Café
Speed Bump
Chip Bok
Red & Rover
Real Life Adventures
Willy 'n Ethel
Red Meat
Mike Luckovich
Tiny Sepuku
The Duplex
The Boondocks
The Born Loser
Mister Boffo
In the Bleachers
Pooch Café
The Duplex
Fox Trot
In the Bleachers
Get Fuzzy
Willy 'n Ethel
Working It Out
Pooch Café
Big Top