Anthony Lewis

Anthony wrote 270 comments in these 268 discussions: William H. Macy (1950-2003), William H. Macy (1950-2003), The Comic Strip Zeitgeist, show all »William H. Macy (1950-2003), William H. Macy (1950-2003), The Comic Strip Zeitgeist, State Pride - Who's Got It?, Clapping at Movies, The Saliva Sentence, State Pride - Who's Got It?, Hussein Poll, So Long, Mr. Ritter, Welcome to the New!, Just Surfed on in, College Football, Survivor: All Stars, Round XXI, In Your Face Green Bay!, Madonna ♥ Wesley Clark, I Say This in All Seriousness..., In Your Face Green Bay!, Backfire for Bush, Arsenio Hall...Gay?, Arsenio Hall...Gay?, The Passion of the Christ, Caption Contest, Job Hunt, Gay Marriage, TC Delight, TC Delight, TC Delight, TC Delight, Is the FCC Going Too Far?, Social Promotion, Social Promotion, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, New Music?, Thank You, Come Again, Thank You, Come Again, Hot or Not?, Thank You, Come Again, I'm Such a Woman, I'm Such a Woman, Summer Plans?, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go, Photographs of War Dead, Automated Answering, Reagan Dies at Age 93, Overrated / Underrated, Goo Whine, Check, Please, Gay Marriage, Goo Whine, Choosing Your Time, Prostitution, Star Trek, Democratic National Convention, Prostitution, Dating Scene, Open Letters, Go Forth and Colonize!, Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief, The Telly, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Don't Drive Angry, Don't Drive Angry, It's a Boy!, Compensation, Sampling the Goods, Sampling the Goods, Required Voting, Sampling the Goods, Soaps, Soaps, Soaps, Compensation, Sampling the Goods, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Compensation, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, More Inventions, New York City, A More Secure TC?, Whoreloween, Through a Child's Eyes (Or Something Similarly Corny), Useless, New York City, New York City, Babble, Babble, Sampling the Goods, Babble, Useless, Useless, No More Cars, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Beginning High School, Life Improvements?, Life Improvements?, Clothing Makes the Woman, American Civic Duties?, Educated Guess, Educated Guess, Educated Guess, The "Right" People, Birth Control for Young'ins, Let's Pretend We're Noble Prize Winners, Fill in the Blank, Summer Comic Strip Round-Up, We Forgive You, Beauty Contests, Marriage Contracts, Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Assault Weapons, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Assault Weapons, Marriage Contracts, Assignment: South Park, Star Wars DVDs, Your Movie, Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?, If You Thought Hummers Were Bad..., Cinenumerology, Cinenumerology, Politics at Its Finest..., The Non-Christian Evangelist, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Cinenumerology, Politics at Its Finest..., 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Music Guilty Pleasure, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, What is the War on Terror?, This Week's Goo, The <Insert Noun Here>, This Week's Goo, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The <Insert Noun Here>, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, How Erik Spent His Thursday, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The <Insert Noun Here>, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Daydreaming, Here are Your Fifteen... Oye!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Identity Theft, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, I Want Them All, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Feel a Draft?, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The Big One, The Big One, Current Goo, Let's Be Clear About This, Let's Be Clear About This, Offroad, Offroad, Offroad, The Big One, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Goo Reborn, Goo Reborn, The Redskins Decide It All?, Goo Reborn, Goo Reborn, The Redskins Decide It All?, The Redskins Decide It All?, The Redskins Decide It All?, Goo Reborn, Goo Reborn, Election Day, The Nights That Aren't, Election Day, Gay Marriage, Election Day, Election Day, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Toilet Paper, We are All Stars, We are All Stars, Straight Marriage, We are All Stars, Straight Marriage, Voting Fraud, Party Dips and Chips, Party Dips and Chips, Party Dips and Chips, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, TV Trivia Time!, TV Trivia Time!, TV Trivia Time!, Voting Fraud, TV Trivia Time!, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Fallujah in Pictures, TV Trivia Time!, TV Trivia Time!, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Basketbrawl, TV Trivia Time!, Voting Fraud, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Kids Vote, The Next Four Years, [Bleep] You, Basketbrawl, Basketbrawl, Basketbrawl, I Hate These Republicans, I Hate These Republicans, I Hate These Republicans, I Hate These Republicans, I Hate These Republicans, Are You Ready for Some Football??, What's Your Favorite Color?, Hey, I've Been Here a Year!!, Taking a Stand, I'm Such a Woman, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Favorite Muppet, Digital Cameras, Anthony!, Pizza, Anthony!, and When Good Movies Go Bad.