Jackie Mason | April 5, 2007
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | April 5, 2007
I temporarily removed it. A lot of the items hadn't changed in months, so I implemented a two-month timeout that made many disappear. From there, disuse made the list dwindle down to nothing. This was so unexpected when I started the page (I figured that I would always participate if no one else did) that I didn't even program for the event of zero matches, resulting in a code error on the page.

Maybe it's just too complicated to be any fun. I dunno, you folks tell me. I think I should revise both the Obsessions page and the Write a Review form in TMR to be a lot simpler and quicker. One feature I have planned to add to the Obsessions page is a Netflix RSS compatibility, so that you Netflix subscribers can have the discs you have at home show up on the Obsessions page automatically.

What would make you use either form? Are there other elements of the site in need of making more easy or fun?

Lori Lancaster | April 5, 2007
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | April 5, 2007
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | April 6, 2007
I narrowly missed Undead when it came out and regretted it. Good cheese or bad cheese?

Good idea about the homepage, Jackie. I also thought about putting the Obsessions in each user's page, but those don't get much traffic. In their original incarnation in 2002, they were part of TC, and maybe I could find a way to incorporate them here, like a mouseover-activated info window on each user icon. Part of the problem is that this site represents my online preferences and I'm not much into cramming a page with lots of icons and fancy effects, but something could be worked out I'm sure.

Lori Lancaster | April 8, 2007
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | April 8, 2007
Obsessions is back. If you're a Netflix customer, you can now arrange it so that your rentals are automatically included. Per Jackie's suggestion, you can now also set your Options so that the five most recent user obsessions will display on the site homepage.

The Netflix part may require a few kinks to be worked out as more users add it.

I still intend to work on the TMR "Write a Review" form.

Amy Austin | April 10, 2007
Note to self: Don't use Netflix to rent "Liquor in the Front, Poker in ther Rear"...

Denise Sawicki | April 10, 2007
Haha, yeah, I don't rent porn but I'd feel awfully self-conscious about what I was renting if I had it viewable there. It's lame but I've always been a bit secretive about my taste in entertainment because it seems like a lot of people disagree violently with what I consider good :). Or they call me stupid for liking this and not liking that, etc... Maybe it would be good exposure therapy for me though. I'm on a break from Netflix just at the moment but I'll sign up again before long.

Amy Austin | April 10, 2007
I'm hearing/feeling you all the way on that, Denise... back in my college days, it was always a running joke among my friends not to let me pick out the movies we'd rent. One that springs immediately to mind is Orlando, which I thought was a pretty cool movie (and which I truly believe that my friends secretly liked as well... even if it was a weird "Amy movie" -- I know they were entertained... and isn't that the point, after all?)

Lori Lancaster | April 10, 2007
[hidden by request]

Tony Peters | April 10, 2007
Orlando....that was where I the White Witch (Tilda Swinton) was from.....I've been trying to figure out what movie that I had seen years ago that she was in....

Anyway; as for movies that can and will embarrass you...I have this thing about Vampire movies that started early in my life. I have watched nearly every movie of this genre good, bad or ugly (Adrian in the Breed comes to mind for ugly) and bought more than a few that truly embarrass me for owning (again the breed). The worst movie by far that I have ever inflicted on anyone was a weird arthouse movie that had typewriters that morphed into giant cockroach like bugs. I can't remember the name of it only that no one would finish watching it but me....it was rather trippy too

I got to see Beautiful Joe again last week in Diego Garcia....been a while since I've seen it but it's still a fun movie in an oddball way

Scott Hardie | April 11, 2007
No problem reporting my rentals here. Bad movies are ticklish fun once in a while. I rented Kangaroo Jack, Alone in the Dark, and Bottoms Up on purpose.

Amy Austin | April 11, 2007
a weird arthouse movie that had typewriters that morphed into giant cockroach like bugs. I can't remember the name of it only that no one would finish watching it but me....it was rather trippy too

Haven't seen it, but it sounds like Naked Lunch, which I think I remember to be loosely based on the Franz Kafka story "Metamorphosis", about a man who metamorphoses into a giant cockroach. Love the Kafka.

Tony Peters | April 11, 2007
Yup it's Naked Lunch it took a few watchings for me to understand it completely....and its based on a William S. Burroughs novel novel....I think I may have to rent that again sometime soon

Aaron Shurtleff | April 11, 2007
The worst movie I ever paid money to see would have to be "9 1/2 Ninjas". *shudder* It was (supposedly) like "9 1/2 Weeks" meets the Chop-Socky Ninja film genre. Who wouldn't love that combination? It was just bad. Bad bad bad BAD!!!

Yuck. I feel dirty just talking about it.

Scott Hardie | April 23, 2007
The Write a Review form has been simplified, for anyone who would write more movie reviews if you could do so more quickly and conveniently. (I'm a member of that group.) One sacrifice to make this possible was the Mini-Reviews, which weren't really useful against the Recent Reviews.

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