...when someone says she prefers the company of others to your exclusive company.

The song of the day is "Popular" by Nada Surf. I loved this "song" when it first came out! I was riding in my car, and they played a different song ("Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand" by Primitive Radio Gods..also a pretty good song...), which I have on a mix album with "Popular". The song of the day it will be! ;)

And, no, there is no other reason for that to be the song of the day! No break-ups, no fights with the wife. :D Actually, things have been more peaceful at home than usual... Yay!!

I have a Halloween party this upcoming Friday. I'm going as a keg of beer. It's a nice costume from Target (pretty sweet, and the price was right...all costumes 10% off right now!!*), and the helmet tap actually works (although the little reservoir doesn't hold a lot of beer...but it does eliminate trips to the real keg!). I wonder what would happen if I asked my wife to do a keg stand... :P

*This offer may only apply to the Target store located at 8151 Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Saint Petersburg, Florida, since each store has their own choice as to what to put on sale/clearance...within reason!

Gotta work...brb

I'm back...and I hope..I don't get hit..in the REAR again.

That commercial is hilarious!! Burt Bacarach (I doubt I spelled that correctly, but I don't have time to fix it) is pretty cool in my book...even if he is a bit old. ;)

Does anyone know if we are still in round 2 of guessing the theme to Berserk Wig? I don't know if anyone figured that theme out yet. I need to look into that...

I finally got to the end of Paranoia Agent. It's a pretty good anime series, but it was a little short (13 total episodes). I wonder if it could have been enhanced by being drawn out over a few more episodes, and adding in some stuff? I think so. As a series, it's premise is hard for me to define..except as slightly confusing. It's pretty serious, which usually doesn't work for me, but this time it works fairly well.

We've been watching the old TV series "Soap" at work during lunch breaks, and it's funny! I had forgotten about it, since it originally aired in the early 1980's. Glad to become re-acquainted! I wonder if it would have been as funny back when it first aired. The themes are tame for nowadays (extra-marital affairs, mothers and daughters sharing partners, homosexuals considering sex change operations), but back in the 1980's, these were (to my recollection...I was 7 in 1980!) pretty controversial topics! Well, until I invent the time machine, we'll never know.

Well, I have to get back at it. See you next week...or so. :P

Two Replies to 27-X-2006 or There's still a feeling of rejection...

Jackie Mason | October 28, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | November 3, 2006
Awesome! I got to see the entire Evil Dead trilogy!

The party was OK. I had a pretty good time. Being asocial makes parties not so much fun, but I did what I could. I didn't embarrass my wife, so that's what it's all about, eh? :)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

2-VIII-2006 or Why am I so angry?

Yeah, I decided to go with putting in the date. It makes me feel chronological and stuff. Welcome to Day 2 of the blog! Go »

26-VI-2019 or NUFFLE!!!

Good day. Am I really going to start doing daily mini-blogs just because my co-workers called me out? Apparently. Go »


Just seeing if I can get a picture of Malachi to show up here... If this works, this is Malachi's "Get that camera out of my %^&*ing face!" look! Go »

22-XII-2006, or Time to set the auto-reply!

Well, it's my last day at work until January 2nd, so if you don't hear from me, that's why. Not that many people really hear from me, but there it is. :) My brother-in-law is in town, so craziness could ensue. Go »

2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits

1) At the bottom of my Dashboard, it says: You are not currently playing a concert with Amy Austin. Yea. And I ain't gonna! Go »

4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet

I am working on a Saturday. I am not so amused. :( Anyhow, the song of the day is this annoying song that one of my co-workers has sung non-frickin' stop for the past week and a half. Go »