Short trip, what?

Iceland was pretty cool (as in cold as sin), but I had a great time! Reykjavik is a cool little city, but outside of there...nothing. I read that Greenland is more sparsely populated, but I can't imagine how it could be. I like that, so it was pretty cool.

Got to see some craters, and some geothermal vents, hot springs, geysers (including the original, Geysir, from which the English term came from!), waterfalls, lava rocks, Icelandic sheep, horses, dogs, cats, a couple cows, but not the elusive Arctic Fox (bummer).

And I ate this. I was the only one of my little group that could actually swallow it, so yay me!

In addition, I had some reindeer (pretty good), puffin (so yummy!), and whale (I see why whale was hunted to near extinction absolutely tasty!). Most of the foods were similar to stuff we have here, so nothing too exciting to report. Oh, I also had a fish called ling, but I don't know what that is. Aw, see that? Ling is just cobia, which I have had before. Ugly sucker, though...

There was a lot of great Icelandic wool products, but I didn't get many of them, since they are about useless to me in Florida. I would recommend them though, as they are soft and warm.

That's about it. My wife is the photographer, so she has all the pictures. If I get my hands on some, I will post a few...

Here's one!

Make sure you check the web address on the sign! :)

Here's another!

It's like Where's Aaron! Look closely!


I don't know what's going on here...

Wait! It's not what you think!!

Ok, it totally is. :)

Seven Replies to 14-X-2009 or ...Aaaand I'm Back

Steve West | October 14, 2009
As the man said, eating that stuff would be like getting punched in the face with a stinky fist. Glad you came out of the fight alive, Rocky. Pictures! Must see pictures! Brenda and I are planning our second honeymoon and believe it or not, Iceland is still in the discussion.

Scott Hardie | October 15, 2009
Sounds like a great trip. I second the pictures! Must see pictures!

Aaron Shurtleff | October 15, 2009
There's a good picture of my face just after the shark fin was placed into it. Priceless. ;)

Lori Lancaster | October 15, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | October 16, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | October 26, 2009
I be strokin'.

Steve West | October 26, 2009
Aaron Shurtleff...strokkur...legend.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen...

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25-VIII-2006 or All good things...

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13-VII-2014 or What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life

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23-VIII-2008 or Seen On T-shirt

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24/25-X-2007 or That's What I Get...

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2-X-2008 or Oh, YEAH!

That's why I stopped playing the Devil in Rock Block! I knew there was some reason... Go »