Death, Taxes, and You're Wrong
by Steve West on March 17, 2012

Recent conversation with Brenda:
Brenda: Does the sunset look strange to you? It looks like the sun is in front of the poles we're passing. What would cause that?
me: Uhhh...refraction? Light bending around objects, maybe.
Brenda: No, it's not that. It's probably more like I'm seeing an after-image on my retinas. I don't know.
me: You don't know but you're sure I'm wrong.
Brenda: Yeah.
me: So you don't have a single clue as to what is causing this phenomenon but you can be certain of one thing - I'm wrong.
Brenda: Now you've got it.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Good Morning, Let's See Who's Dead
A website devoted to tracking who's alive and who's not. Most entries are for the recently passed but also some entries to silence rumors. Also, a neat feature to read obituaries and find photographs of actual grave locations. Go »
Never Volunteer, Dummy
Ever since seeing Anthony Hopkins in Magic, ventriloquists and their evil dummies have given me the creeps. This guy does as well but I laughed nonetheless. I think I could sit through his entire act but could never get past the queasiness and actually volunteer like this guy did. Go »
Sleep, Really?
Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: (after winning the wishbone break) Dead chicken says I get my wish. Brenda: What did you wish for? Me: What's your greatest fantasy? Go »
For What It's Worth...
Round-up of the fun and weird. At last! The taste the world has been waiting for. Go »
I Know His Name Was Bob (Thanks, Amy)
Prom pictures that are (to be blunt) not good. I think I come closest to number 3. Number 9 is definitely my parents. Go »