Father's Day Memories
by Steve West on June 21, 2021

One of the greatest gifts I ever received was on my twelfth birthday. My Dad gave me a small box with a note inside.
It read, “Son, this year I will give you 365 hours, an hour every day after dinner. It’s yours. We’ll talk about what you want to talk about, we’ll go where you want to go, and play what you want to play. It will be your hour.” My Dad not only kept his promise but every year he renewed it, until I went off to college, marriage and career; a transition he prepared me for with our time spent together. It was the best gift he ever gave me. I’m the result of his time. (This story is a complete fantasy. How I wish it were true.)
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Scott Hardie | June 26, 2021
It's a fantasy but it's a nice fantasy. I don't know how much I'd give to have a single hour with my father again, let alone an hour a day. Thanks for the thoughts, Steve. :-)