Earlier this week, I lost my father-in-law to lung cancer. He was a beautiful man who welcomed me into his family after marrying his oldest daughter. Family isn’t always blood. It’s people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are - the ones who would do anything to make you smile and love you no matter what. When someone you love dies… you never get over it. You just slowly get through each day. But you always keep them tucked safely in your heart. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal but love leaves a memory that no one can take away. A devoted husband and adoring father, Norm’s heritage to his children isn’t words or possessions, but an unspoken treasure of his example as a man and a father. There are moments in life you wish you could bring someone down from heaven. To spend the day with them just one more time, to give them one more hug, to kiss them goodbye or hear their voice again. Just one more chance to say, “I love you.” Later, I’ll look forward to walking down “memory lane” because I know I’ll run into you there. As long as I breathe, you’ll be remembered.

Three Replies to My Second Dad

Erik Bates | September 7, 2018
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | September 7, 2018
Very well-written tribute, Steve. I'm sorry for your loss. I remember you writing about Norm just two years ago as he was journaling after the loss of his wife. Your family is in my thoughts tonight.

Lori Lancaster | December 8, 2018
[hidden by author request]

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