Have Passport will travel
by Tony Peters on October 13, 2006

I wasn't halfway through my first cup of coffee this morning when my boss walked in and said "do you want to go to Crete for a week?" Duh!!! like i would turn down a trip to greece...the only bummer is that I'll miss spending my birthday with my wife which compounds the fact that I missed spending her birthday with her as well, I also missed my bother's aniversary and my grandmothers Birthday but we had planned to celebrate them all at the end of the month anyway...so it's not as big a deal still a bummer though...humm greece after the tourist season should be very nice...and for Amy...yes I know I have a great job sometimes
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

post pain pump
spending nearly a day on a Morphine pump was great but, it did little to prepare me for being out of the hospital or for that matter give me any idea just how much pain I was going to be in. Before I left the hospital my wife (who is a Nurse, the Pain Management Nurse at the hospital and I worked out this plan for the meds I was gonna need over this 1st week of my recovery...well that slowly disintegrated yesterday afternoon and by midnight I was in tears while my GSP sat with me licking my face...2 Go »
thursdays are my life
at least for the next 6 weeks I get to visit the doc every Thursday...today was awesome the PA at my Orthopedist is a genius at casting..the cast/splint I received at the hospital was comfortable for all of two days and then after the swelling dropped it was all angles and uncomfortable...getting Go »
Change 3
a 07:30 phone call saying ooppsss uimmmm well it turns out that you are gonna have to go after all and we are gonna have to send 2 teams is not that way I wanted to start the day. Neither is sweet talking the travel clerk who's day we ruined yesterday to redo all the work she did yesterday....however other than cancelling my New Years plans, a ride with my dad and a climb with my brother, this on again off again travel thing isn't too much of a burden. Go »
the next grand adventure..........
as a retired sailor I really thought nothing of deploying and leaving my wife with the cats and dog at home while I went off to fight wars, fix submarines and otherwise earn a living.......now the shoe is on the other foot. I am in school fulltime taking care of the cats, the dog the house and whatever else pops up while my wife and best friend moves to DC to take her dream job. Go »
Magical Mystery tour
well the news today when I got to work was that my holidays will be abbreviated...New Years in Cypress and bowl games in Spain...Getting to Cypress will be easy though it involves flying through Heathrow (my least favorite airport)...it's Go »