Life and complexity
by Tony Peters on February 28, 2010

After last semester's overdose in writing I have been enjoying not having to write at all this semester. Well that and most of my school time is spent in an Art is mentally challenging, for the first time in years I'm's kind of interesting after spending years creating images instantly to spend so much time creating images. It's really made me think about other really fun class is an Intro to sculpture class which in and of itself is a complete departure for me as I have never though about art in a 3D manner. Not to say that I haven't carved things from wood but I've never really thought about it from a composition POV. It's been very fun though I end each school day mentally spent. Additionally after spending last semester commuting by motorcycle the VA came through for me and approved my disability and back paid me to the date of my retirement, I bought a truckling, I say truckling because I found a nice little 1994 Toyota Tacoma and not a moment too soon as this winter has been very messy....anyway I found something and it made me miss Japan
Kirsten Dunst is turning japanese on Fooooo
Seven Replies to Life and complexity
Tony Peters | March 3, 2010
I thought of you when I found it...the funny thing for me is that I recognize most of the places she is walking through. I really like the way they did it and I like sound of it
Aaron Shurtleff | March 3, 2010
How did I miss this before?? That is hilarious! I'm not really a Dunst fan, but this is nice.
I've never been to Japan, but now I miss it too! :)
Jackie Mason | March 5, 2010
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Tony Peters | March 6, 2010
try it least as long as it lasts....something about that blue hair is really getting to me
Lori Lancaster | March 12, 2010
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Scott Hardie | March 13, 2010
Great video. Glad to hear that you're getting so much out of the classes, too. :-)
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

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Lori Lancaster | March 3, 2010
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