by Steve West on April 30, 2008

Saw this bumper sticker on a white Rabbit. Took me a couple miles to get it.
All of these buildings are impressive in their own way but that Chicago drill bit seems to be screaming, "Screw you, Chicago!"
No. NO! Never in ten thousand lifetimes will I ever have the nerve to swim near, let alone hang over the edge of, Victoria Falls.
Wow. Most 10th grade boys would have drawn this for free.
Wookiepedia. The encyclopedia of Star Wars.
Wear your sleeping bag as clothing and when you're ready to go to sleep, just comfortably roll over onto your side and voilà.
Coolest or weirdest tattoo ever.
More funny signs.
Now I remember why I boycotted television almost the entire '80's. Opening credits of several action series with commentary.
All of these are stupid except for that 747 cowling desk. I need that desk! It'll be like my fortress of coolness.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Differences That Make All The Difference
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Really Cheap Costumes
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One From Column A & Two From Column B
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