It may have been a cold Thanksgiving up north, but it wasn't in my mother's apartment yesterday, where the air conditioning was broken and it was 80°. And that was before we turned the oven on for an hour to heat the food.

We've ordered pre-made meals before from various businesses like Boston Market and Publix, but this year the only source we could find was Zoës Kitchen, a Middle Eastern chain restaurant. They served a citrus-glazed turkey with harissa sauce, green beans and onions in a spicy tomato sauce, pita and hummus, and more food that doesn't scream American Thanksgiving. Harissa sauce is delicious (it's a spicy red sauce that tastes like tikka masala), but it didn't exactly pair well with the hot apartment.

I hope everyone reading this had a happy Thanksgiving. And I hope the same for the very nice maintenance crew who eventually showed up to fix my mother's A/C.

One Reply to My Hot Thanksgiving

Erik Bates | November 24, 2018
[hidden by author request]

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