Turns out I'm not the only one in this household in need of medical attention. I took my cat to the vet for an eye infection, wound up getting her a $500 physical since she's overdue, and the doctor wants to pull her teeth in a few weeks for another $400. He says her teeth and gums are impossibly infected and there's nothing else that can be done now. They don't make little kitty dentures (yet) so this is a pretty big step, and the doc almost seemed offended when I said I'd like to seek a second opinion before signing up.

This same thing happened five years ago in Tampa: A vet had trouble treating her gum infection with antibiotics, so he finally insisted the only step left was to pull her teeth out. I took the cat to second vet who gave her different antibiotics, and a week later she was fine, and she stayed fine until now. Maybe I should drive her back to Tampa to see that vet again? At least her eye is recovering.

Four Replies to Without Teeth

Anna Gregoline | December 12, 2007
Poor baby! Why does your poor cat have so many problems?!?! That doesn't seem fair.

I would hesitate to change a cat's quality of life that fast - all the teeth GONE? My goodness, they are quick on the surgical procedures in your neck of the woods, huh?

And a proper doctor, methinks, wouldn't be offended by someone getting a second opinion.

Amy Austin | December 13, 2007
My goodness, they are quick on the surgical procedures in your neck of the woods, huh?

My thoughts, too... poor kitty.

Jackie Mason | December 13, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | December 15, 2007
Perhaps you can cheer up kitty with a Christmas song. Might I suggest one of the following:
1. Claw the Halls
2. Away in a Litter Box
3. Joy, To the Catnip
4. Feline Navidad
5. I Saw Mommy Hiss at Santa Claus
6. Frosty, the Furball
7. Oh, Come All Ye Fishful
8. Oh! Scratching Post
Merry Christmas Kitty!

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

The Revised Revised Revised Story

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Blood Lines

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Does the Internet baffle you? Try Gabe & Max's Internet Thing. Thanks, Marlon. Go »


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