Yesterday, I saw the first flakes of snow of this winter season. Today, I bought a new shovel.

Brenda and I are preparing for a new house purchase this spring. It's about 50/50 if it will happen. The point being, the more winters I go through here (DC - Home of the Snowpacolypse), the stronger my arguments are to move to Florida.

"But I like Olivia's school, my family is so close, I moved from California to be here"...(whine, bitch, moan). Brenda's arguments, valid as they may be, don't get my spine re-aligned. I hope she noted the snow blower that was on my Christmas list.

One Reply to Preparing For Battle

Scott Hardie | December 12, 2010
If there's anything I can do from here to help, just ask. The collapse of the housing market has left a lot of nice houses here for fairly cheap. Florida is wonderful this time of year, but then it's wonderful just about all year.

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