Real Baseball
by Steve West on August 9, 2008

I took the girls to a minor league baseball game last night. It was Autism Awareness night at the Bowie Baysox game which was the incentive for Brenda and I to go. The girls actually enjoyed the game for the first few innings but were more interested in the foods, carousel, moon bounce and face painting. All in all I spent about ninety bucks but had a great time but parking was free. The thing for me was the quality of the baseball that came from the visible effort of the players as opposed to the actual quality of the play. The Baysox (AA affiliate of the Orioles) had quality entertainment provided between each inning, an autistic child who sang 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame' during the seventh inning stretch, and several information booths for autism available on the concourse. Cap it all off with a fireworks show after the game and it made for a wonderful outing for all of us. If available, I would really recommend Minor League baseball for a good show.
Three Replies to Real Baseball
Steve West | August 10, 2008
I had one of those credit card commercial moments.
Admission price - $40.00
Hot dogs & cokes - $30.00
Carousel rides - $10.00
Hearing my daughter say, "Swing batter, swing batter, suhwing battuh." - Priceless
Amy Austin | August 13, 2008
That is nice. I have one fond memory of a Minor League game with Ed. (sigh)
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Jackie Mason | August 10, 2008
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