Recent conversation with Brenda while recuperating in hospital:

Me: Hey, wanna hear a joke I made up? I'm gonna tell my RN the next visit she makes.

Brenda: Of course.

Me: A stethoscope walks into a bar and the bartender starts, "Did you hear the one about..." (Stethoscope interrupting) Yes!

Brenda: (laughing) That's pretty good.

I can't recall the last time Brenda actually endorsed an idiotic joke I either thought of or merely thought funny. I might be on my deathbed and she's comforting me the best she knows how.

One Reply to I Must Really Be Sick

Scott Hardie | July 4, 2014
That, or you're delusional from the pain meds. If so, enjoy the ride!

We're glad you're recovering. :-)

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