I'm off to Springfield for the weekend to help Kelly move. YAY SNOW. Back late Monday night.

Two Replies to Snowbound

Aaron Shurtleff | February 1, 2008
Well, have fun...as much fun as you can... I must be losing it because I almost miss snow.

If you're in need of extra hands for unloading a U-Haul when you get back to Florida, let me know. Depending on the work schedule, I might be able to give you a hand.

Jackie Mason | February 2, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Help Needed

Our friend Bill used to work USF tech support in the early nineties, the days of Windows 3.1 and 28.8k modems. Go »

Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes

You can look at this as a parody if you wish (I'm no fan of U2), but mostly it's just silly: (link) Go »

Very Unique

If you're going to write on your resumé that you're an "exceptional team player," you'd better be prepared to explain during your interview how that's possible. Go »

Illinois 2013: Four Pictures

As a follow-up to my Illinois road trip, here are photos taken at our engagement party. Shown are Kelly and me, Matthew Preston with his wife Liz, and Jackie Mason with her husband Will. I wish that our photographer Lori Lancaster was in one of the shots, but I'm grateful to her for taking the pictures all the same. Go »


Mighty Girl found a fun and simple way to make her announcement. Go »

Downtown A-Town

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