The Plight of Live Music in Fargo
by Denise Sawicki on August 7, 2006

My husband is in a band.. the problem is it's terribly difficult to find a place to play. Every few months, a new place will start offering live music. The first time he gets a show there they will be really nice, giving him free drinks and paying him maybe $20 without him mentioning it... the second time maybe he can still get the perks but it's awkward and he has to request it... the third time they will have stopped paying bands altogether, and then like a week after that we will find out that the place no longer puts on live music. See nobody wants to see live music, apparently, so these bars seem to have decided they are losing money just by having a band there and not paying them a cent.... Pretty depressing to my husband I must say. Anyway, we've just had one of those elusive "first" times playing a new music venue. The bartender gave us each 3 drink tickets.. we felt guilty and went and told him that I'm not actually in the band and he said not to worry about it, to take my free drinks anyhow... I got a whiskey coke, it wasn't mixed super great, so after that I looked at some pretty colored bottles of stuff and asked for some blue stuff, but the bartender decided to give me his own invention instead, he filled up a huge glass with almost entirely straight vodka (part blueberry flavored and part peach flavored) and some sours mix or something... it was pretty awesome... I have no idea why he gave me *so much* liquor though, that was totally insane. But I had a sip of that and I was to the point of actually laughing and smiling and talking audibly in public. I must say I like alcohol :P Sigh... I know when to quit though, I knew better than to order a third drink after that monster huge one...
This rather annoying drunk guy also bought the guys (my husband and his brother) one drink each, and someone else offered to do the same, but they refused... I mean I'm probably by far the heaviest of us at 145 :P so we can't handle very much liquor...
We only managed to get to bed around 3 AM since these shows are so insanely late, and, being me, I woke up at 6 AM like I always do.. but it was a fun night...
One Reply to The Plight of Live Music in Fargo
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Jackie Mason | August 7, 2006
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