thursdays are my life
by Tony Peters on October 2, 2008

at least for the next 6 weeks I get to visit the doc every was awesome the PA at my Orthopedist is a genius at casting..the cast/splint I received at the hospital was comfortable for all of two days and then after the swelling dropped it was all angles and uncomfortable...getting it off was so nice though I was apprehensive as to what it would look like and most important if there was any infection (open bone surgery and all) anyway lots of bruising new on top of old, I cautiously peered around my ankle to look at the incision.....clean....I mean really clean no scabbing even, just a neat row of staples leading up the outside of my right ankle (thank you Vancomycin)...those staples are gonna make an interesting addition to the scar, my wife mentioned tattooing a zipper up it once everything has recovered. Anyway a quick round of Xrays to make sure everything is lined up and then a new dressing and casted splint...this one aligning my ankle which in and of itself was painful especially trying to get it at a 90degree angle lots of toe drop and shortening of my Achilles tendon, the other scary thing is how much definition and size I've lost from my right doc says that it will come back and actually agrees with my idea of long distance skateboard pushing to return muscle tone and joint strength. The other nice thing about this visit was they changed my meds no more Percocet but I still have to take Vicodin until they remove the staples next week and then I can get off the narcotics for good. It also looks like I can have a Purple cast which will be nice to look at for the month
on a very sad side note before I messed up my ankle I was supposed to be riding to Pennsylvania last weekend with a group of internet friends. They still went and had a tragedy Mike and his wife Cyndi were amazing people and I truly miss them both. I've known them for nearly eight years though sadly we only met in person once.
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

It's cool today. As I pull on my jacket, the leather creaks as the zipper closes. The engine, a bit reluctant to turn over in the brisk morning air, settles into a rumble as I finish donning my gear. Go »
OK so since the summer my creative obsession has been growing. It started in my drawing 2 class with a professor who would turn out to be the man who has completely changed how I both look at and create art, Ben Anderson is an interesting man The first serious piece of the semester was Morf, a Gargoyle I created using mostly found metal from a local bike shop (I have taken to visiting on a weekly basis to acquire additional materials....Morf was the first time I have had a piece of art that I am woking to create completely dominate my thoughts. Go »
post pain pump
spending nearly a day on a Morphine pump was great but, it did little to prepare me for being out of the hospital or for that matter give me any idea just how much pain I was going to be in. Before I left the hospital my wife (who is a Nurse, the Pain Management Nurse at the hospital and I worked out this plan for the meds I was gonna need over this 1st week of my recovery...well that slowly disintegrated yesterday afternoon and by midnight I was in tears while my GSP sat with me licking my face...2 Go »
happy home maker
Ok before my furnace blew up I had been investing in food items for longterm storage and use. I got a deal on 1pound of vanila beans around new years as well as 2 gallons of peeled garlic last week. Anyway with water turned off in my house all day yesterday (furnace being replaced) I decided that it was a good time to do something about all the garlic and while I was at it make some xmas presents for next year (added bonus time spent in front of the stove means warmth). Go »
world traveler
Well I'm finally home after 2 1/2 weeks of wandering the earth...Diego Garcia is the definition of tropical paradise...granted the only things to do are exercise or drink and I'm not a drinker...long Go »