as a retired sailor I really thought nothing of deploying and leaving my wife with the cats and dog at home while I went off to fight wars, fix submarines and otherwise earn a the shoe is on the other foot. I am in school fulltime taking care of the cats, the dog the house and whatever else pops up while my wife and best friend moves to DC to take her dream job. Its not that we hadn't planned on this for the future but a job (the kind you really can't turn down) became available before we were ready and the money is good enough to her maintain a studio apt in Silver Spring and come home on holidays. But as I sit here drinking my coffee and contemplating what I'm going to be doing in the art studio today I do so knowing that when I come home the house will be empty. I finally understand what I put my wife through for 20 years.

Three Replies to the next grand adventure..........

Scott Hardie | October 23, 2011
On the upside, you have plenty of experience being away from her due to deployments, and you have plenty of hobbies and interests to pass the time. On the downside, there's no way that doesn't become lonely sooner or later. Congrats to her on landing the dream job, at least.

Steve West | October 23, 2011
Will you be moving down here eventually? How long is this job intennded? I can't imagine being in that position. I truly empathize.

Tony Peters | October 24, 2011
yeah but I was aways the one going into a situation that distracted me to the point that I wasn't lonely. I was agonizingly lonely last night after spending the day in the studio I really wanted to tell her how my day went and had to settle for a phone call. Its doable and I'll be busy enough that the time will pas easier but I know have a better understanding of what I put her through

Yes Steve as soon as I finish school and get the house sold I will be moving to DC. The Job doesn't have a date on it and considering that its for the Wounded Warrior program even when the war ends she will be busy. After living in Japan and trying to live in Westerly we have both come to the conclusion that we are City people so I believe that DC will be our final move.

Facebook's Skype chat is a wonderful thing we spent an hour on this evening just catching up


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

Under water and leeching

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A good day in the studio

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happy home maker

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got a new drug

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