A.J. Jacobs
This celebrity goo was created by player Steve West.
Scott Hardie replaced the category and made minor changes to the explanation provided by Steve.
publication date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 (part of September 2024)
category: Journalism
clue: This immersion journalist pondered stoning adulterers in order to live biblically.
explanation: Arnold Stephen Jacobs Jr., commonly called A.J. Jacobs, is an American journalist, author, and lecturer best known for writing about his lifestyle experiments. Jacobs's book The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible chronicles his experiment to live for one year according to all the moral codes expressed in the Bible, including stoning adulterers. more…
intended difficulty: medium
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Samir Mehta, Denise Sawicki, and Scott Hardie
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