These goos are from the Journalism category, people famous for reporting the news in a variety of media. Browse another way.

A.J. Jacobs

This immersion journalist pondered stoning adulterers in order to live biblically. Go »

Alex Wagner

This MSNBC host used to be on now, but now she's on tonight, except when she's hosting a documentary mini-series for Showtime or a reality competition for Netflix. Go »

Amy Sutherland

This female journalist decided to train her husband like a pet and wrote a book on it. Go »

Anderson Cooper

this anchorman has a well-rounded perspective Go »

Andrea Mitchell

This reporter is as familiar with Washington as she is with foreign affairs, which she should be if she's married to the Fed. Go »

Ashleigh Banfield

This cable news reporter is always on location, in the field. Go »

Barbara Frum

After emigrating from the U.S., her adopted nation mourned her passing following an 18 year battle with leukemia. Go »

Barbara Walters

There's something Special about this interviewer with a 20/20 View. Go »

Barbara Walters

Before creating and hosting The View, she used to open her ABC newsmagazine show by introducing herself and saying, "And this is 20/20." Go »

Bob Woodward

When you're co-authoring an investigation into presidential corruption, sources really come deep out of the woodwork. Go »

Brian Williams

Live from New York five nights a week, it's actual news from this network anchor. Go »

Bryan West

To media critics, he's too much of a fan of Taylor Swift. To Swifties, he's not enough of one. Go »

Bárbara Anderson

This award-winning Argentinean activist and author has advocated for access for adults and adolescents alike after her autobiographical account of athetosis at home. Go »

Carl Bernstein

This reporter didn't just crash the gate of Washington corruption; he burned it down. Go »

Chris Wallace

Although he only knew his father for about sixty minutes, this Fox anchor built a similar reputation for grilling politicians in interviews. Go »

Connie Chung

This TV reporter is known for seeing her interviewees eye-to-eye. Go »

Dahlia Lithwick

Like cold porridge, this reporter's Supreme Court beat is important but kind of bland. Go »

Dan Rather

This newly-retired anchor had the courage to behave rather clownishly through his career. Go »

David Frost

This interviewer sent chills down a former president's spine with sharp questions. Go »

David Grann

His articles and books have inspired a series of dark crime films about Charlie Hunnam searching the Amazon, Robert Redford escaping from prison, and Leonardo DiCaprio involved in Osage murders. Go »

David Ignatius

His years of covering foreign affairs for the Washington Post helped him turn Leonardo DiCaprio into an espionage agent. Go »

Denise Albert

Yes! This daughter offers (im)pounding basketball coverage. Go »

Diane Sawyer

For this reporter and former Nixon aide, every morning is a good morning. Go »

Don Lemon

CNN viewers have yet to sour on this longtime anchor and host. Go »

Ed Bradley

If seeing is believing, this one only worked one hour a week for twenty six years. Go »

Edward R. Murrow

This revered journalist and famous smoker is credited with saving America from... a Senator. Go »

Elizabeth Vargas

It must be hard presenting the world's news tonight if you only see things clearly in hindsight. Go »

Emily Yoffe

Poke 'em, prod 'em, even hand this goo a gun. This goo is willing to try it all. Go »

Eric Schlosser

This muckracker has given gluttons some food for thought. Go »

Erin Andrews

Sports is not an arena known for beauty and brains. Go »

Ezra Klein

This California-born, D.C.-employed liberal blogger became the voice of his generation. Go »

Frankie MacDonald

Canadians who need forecasts for extreme weather should be prepared by subscribing this YouTuber's account. Go »

Gay Talese

Along with a wolf and a hunter, this heterosexual reporter from Jersey helped to usher in a new form of journalism. Go »

Geraldo Rivera

Failing to find buried treasure on live television gave this reporter a black eye. (Or was a broken nose?) Go »

Gerda Taro

Fleeing Hitler's Germany and the inevitable war ironically led this photographer to be killed in a nearby conflict. Go »

Graydon Carter

All's fair in the New York social scene. Go »

Greta Van Susteren

This cable TV personality has a record of putting the law in perspective. Go »

Hannah Storm

Sports reporters aren't accustomed to being at the center of a firestorm of tabloid coverage. Go »

Helen Thomas

Obama has one more thing in common with Kennedy when you consider this White House fixture. Go »

Huell Howser

It's amazing you can find 13 years' worth of golden stories in one state. S'long everybody! Go »

Ira Glass

This American lives to put the nation under glass. Go »

Jake Tapper

He's a leading anchor on CNN, not a video-game bartender. Go »

Jamal Khashoggi

What this journalist said got him in trouble with one nation. Suddenly not being around to say anything more is creating an international incident. Go »

James Risen

This double Pulitzer winner rose to prominence in the early 2000s by exposing CIA and NSA techniques. Go »

Jann Wenner

His long-running music magazine gathers no moss, but his artist selection for a certain hall of fame gathers plenty of controversy. Go »

Jayson Blair

A reporter's job is to tell the truth, but slothful reporters find other ways. Go »

Jeffrey Zaslow

It will be hard to tell who will come in last with ten left. Go »

Jim Cantore

The most famous weatherman on the channel devoted to weather is a harbinger of doom when he arrives to cover major weather events in an afflicted area. Go »

John King

Keep an eye out for this anchor when you watch the election returns on CNN this Tuesday. Who's the king? Go »

Jorge Ramos

Desde México hasta Miami, esta estrella magnético de los medios hace que millones de personas estén conscientes. Go »

Judith Miller

Her inaccurate reporting about WMDs cost her her job. Her refusal to name her White House source cost her her freedom for 85 days. Go »

Kari Lake

This longtime local news anchor made headlines herself by running in a 2022 gubernatorial race, but her lawsuits to overturn the unfavorable outcome did not result in her candidacy rising from the ashes. Go »

Katharine Graham

In Washington, 1/455th of a pound of scandal is enough to bring down even the loftiest politicians. Go »

Katie Couric

How many Americans do you suppose woke up with this woman today? Go »

Katie Couric

There was something sour in the analogy about her "tarting up" the CBS Evening News. Go »

Kitty Kelley

Raow! The claws come out when this catty biographer pounces on a celebrity. Go »

Lester Holt

Between today, nightly, weekends, and dateline, this NBC anchor gets a lot of "air time." Go »

Lisa Ling

Wherever she goes on our perilous planet, our American correspondent will broaden her views. I guess that's life. Go »

Marie Colvin

Up to and including her death covering a Middle Eastern civil war, she bore witness to violence around the world, despite a noted limitation. Go »

Mary Hart

Stay away from this entertainment reporter's nightly program if you don't want to have seizures. Go »

Matt Drudge


Megyn Kelly

Sly as a fox, this anchor turned her feud with Donald Trump into a stand against misogyny. Go »

Michael Rothstein

Some Irish reporters have been known to get into fights. Go »

Michael Wolff

Are his depictions of a chaotic Trump White House led by a bumbling ignoramus true, or is he the reporter who cried wolf? Go »

Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC's married morning media moderator. Go »

Miles O'Brien

Unlike his Star Trek namesake, this reporter never made it into space, after the Columbia disaster (which he covered). Go »

Natalie Pinkham

Poker is just as much of a sport as tennis, rugby, and soccer in the eyes of this porky presenter. Go »

Natasha Tynes

This expert in Middle Eastern affairs might not become a novelist as intended, if a Twitter mob that's angry about her subway photo gets its way. Go »

Nikki Finke

Rumor has it this blogger has trouble with her weekly deadline. Go »

Norah O'Donnell

Her recent shift change from mornings to evenings makes her an inheritor of the legacy of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. Go »

Pamela Druckerman

Qui a dit que les parents français ne sont pas mieux élever leurs enfants? Go »

Peter King

Even in magazines with pictures, someone has to write about all those athletes. Who's the king? Go »

Piers Morgan

This British journalist transitioned from being one of the world's most unpopular newspaper editors, in part for a phone hacking scandal, to being one of the world's most unpopular TV presenters, pleased to have generated the most complaints of any host. Go »

Rick Santelli

This cable news editor got a very influential party started. Go »

Robin Meade

She helps the hung over wake up in the morning by reading the day's headline news. Go »

Robin Roberts

After a long career covering sports for ESPN, she moved to a corporate cousin to wish the country a good morning. Go »

Roger Mudd

This distinguished TV reporter once derailed Ted Kennedy's presidential campaign with a single question, and it didn't even involve calling him a thief, swindler, con man, liar, and rogue. Go »

Rona Barrett

Is gossip news? What about in celebrity-obsessed Los Angeles starting in, say, 1966? Go »

Ronan Farrow

He has taken down powerful predators in Hollywood including Harvey Weinstein and Les Moonves, inspired by the sexual abuse that he claims to have seen in his own family from his father Woody Allen. Go »

Roxana Saberi

This Fargoan served a thin sentence for the heavy crime of espionage. Go »

Sage Steele

This TV anchor, who is of two colors (in name as well as race), is no longer at the center of American sports since making conservative comments about race, gender, and COVID vaccines. Go »

Soledad O'Brien

As a matter of fact, the two halves of this CNN mainstay's professional name reveal her ethnic heritage: Her mother was Afro-Cuban and her father was Irish-Australian. Go »

Star Jones Reynolds

This former commentator became the star of her own news story when, in her view, she was fired from her talk show. Go »

Stephanie Abrams

She has covered many a Storm in her nearly two decades with The Weather Channel, from which she broadcasts to America every morning from her TV studio headquarters. Go »

Stone Phillips

January 24, 2006. Go »

Ted Koppel

This alphabetical broadcaster's coverage of the Iran hostage crisis lasted for 25 years. Go »

Tim Russert

Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, if you met the press, that meant meeting this guy. Go »

Tom Brokaw

This longtime NBC newsman is the greatest namer of the greatest generation. Go »

Veronica Guerin

This Irish reporter fought the outlaws, and the outlaws won. Go »

Walter Cronkite

Americans trusted him every evening to cover WWII and Vietnam, the deaths of Kennedy and Lennon, the Moon landing and the Watergate scandal, and so much more. And that's the way it was. Go »


This freelance photographer didn't really have psychic powers enabling him to show up instantly at crime scenes, but his disturbing work still gave NYPD investigators the heebee-jeebees. Go »

Wolf Blitzer

This CNN anchor has a name like an action movie hero, but he spends most of his time in one room. Go »