publication date: Monday, August 14, 2000 (part of Round X)

category: Theater

clue: If you're the best sharpshooter in the west, get your gun.

explanation: Oakley was a famous sharpshooter in the Old West whose legend benefitted from her being female. She prided herself on not just being better than any man, but being the best sharpshooter in the region, period. The play "Annie, Get Your Gun" prolonged her fame in contemporary culture. more…

solved by: Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, David Mitzman, Aaron Fischer, Kelly Lee, and Anna Gregoline

trivia: It was difficult to decide whether to use a real photo of Oakley or to show an actress playing her in the stage show. To show an actress would be disrespectful to the real person, but very few people knew how the real Oakley looked. In the end, a real photograph was used.

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