Arch Aplin III
publication date: Sunday, September 4, 2022 (part of Fall 2022)
category: Business
clue: Inspired by his woodland-creature nickname, this Texan imagined someday owning and running a large chain of gas stations throughout the South, and I mean world-record large.
explanation: Aplin, nicknamed "Beaver" since childhood, founded the Buc-ee's chain with its beaver mascot. The chain is known for enormous gas stations across the southeastern U.S. It set a world record for largest convenience store in New Braunfels, TX at 66,335 square feet (about one-third of a Walmart Supercenter). more…
intended difficulty: medium
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Richard Slominsky, and Erik Bates
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