This celebrity goo was created by player LaVonne Lemler.

publication date: Sunday, September 10, 2017 (part of Fall 2017)

category: Business

clue: Recognizing the importance of a healthy diet, this innovative business leader successfully expanded the company's soft drink and snack food portfolio with items of nutritional value, such as dairy, fruit and grain products.

explanation: Indra Nooyi, Chairperson and CEO of PepsiCo, has implemented business practices that encourage the production of healthy foods. Through mergers, partnerships and acquisitions (Quaker, Tropicana, Gatorade) here and abroad, PepsiCo globally is now a two-thirds food business and one-third drink producer. more…

intended difficulty: hard

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Chris Lemler, Justin Woods, Matthew Preston, Joanna Woods, Erik Bates, Aaron Shurtleff, Scott Hardie, and Elaine Beckland

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