Evie Totty: “It was ok.”

This movie was great.

Until it wasn't.

I was enjoying the 'gathering' of the League members, their bonding (or lack thereof lol) ... and then they brought Superman back.

Not really a spoiler since we knew it was going to happen. We just didn't know how it happened.

And it was pretty out there. They demonstrated just how big of a badass he is in the span of 30 seconds and I was wondering 'what is the point of having the rest of the League?' I can't really put my finger on EXACTLY what changed - but it just went downhill from there.

They even had a chance to do a really good job of Flash 'time stop' (since the Fox version of Quicksilver is easily the highlight of the two X-Men films he's in) BUT THEY DIDN'T. They tried but it was a piss-poor job really. But if I hadn't seen Quicksilver - would I have been impressed? Mmm. Maybe. But there's already a benchmark folks. Beat it or lose.

Now the way they won was pretty cool - I'll give them that. Wasn't a fan of the Batman/Wonder Woman budding romance thing but that's only because I know Supes and Diana are together in the comics (I have no idea what happened to Lois).

I've heard complaints about the CGI for Steppenwolf but honestly it was fine. It was the looping that was terrible. It appears that the voice used was different than that of the actor. Wow - that's never been done! /sarcasm Sure the Darth Vader thing was easy since he had the mask. But they did just fine with Silver Surfer in the second Fantastic Four.

I mean come ON - looping has been done for decades - if not a century. Well no - talkies weren't out yet but still. A. LONG. TIME.

Though I did hear rumblings that the movie should have been pushed back (come ON the director's daughter died by suicide folks! the movie isn't that important!) but wasn't because the head of the studio wanted his bonus (along with another guy) so I guess they just ran out of time to get that looping right. And I guess they figured that folks would come out for the DCU like they do the MCU or Star Wars - they figured wrong.

MCU > DCU still at this point with Wonder Woman being the shining difference.

− December 30, 2017 • more by Evielog in or create an account to reply

Scott Hardie: "What is the point of the rest of the Justice League when Superman is a member?" is a question I have often wondered. I guess Batman is smarter and a better strategist, and I guess Aquaman can take over if they have an occasional mission in the ocean, but they mostly feel like the team would function like Superman's assistants and understudies -- which is what it sounds like they do during the first half of this movie. − January 1, 2018 • more by Scott

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