Evie Totty: “It ruled.”

The part of Batman v Superman that was the best (a virtually unanimous decision by movie-goers) was the appearance of Wonder Woman.

And now, there has finally been a female standalone super-hero movie. And in my opinion, long-overdue. Wonder Woman is part of the Big Three in the DCU so whatever the excuses they had for not making female superhero films were dumb. They based it off the success of Elektra? REALLY who the fuck knew who Elektra was at that time? I don't even know if I'm spelling her name right!

But Wonder Woman... that's another story. EVERYONE knows her. Almost literally! She had SUCCESSFUL live action run even! Come ON people!

Regardless. We have it. Finally. And it's impressive. They futzed some with the origin story and set it back a 'World War' to One.

And just like all the other reviews, there was some great humor, charm and action. The 'fish out of water' part was pretty darn good. Nothing over the top you know? Stuff that was expected. Like she's VERY well read and but just isn't used to cities. And don't for second think that she's all gooey about men since she's never seen one in the flesh. She knows all about them. Except what the average one looks like :)

And the writing... I was definitely emotionally involved with these characters. Pine and Gadot had some fantastic chemistry for sure. And when something unexpected happened at the end of the movie - I was hard-pressed to keep up with the final battle. But in the end - it was also magnificent.

Run, don't walk, to see this movie

− June 2, 2017 • more by Evielog in or create an account to reply

Evie Totty: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − June 2, 2017 • more by Evie

Scott Hardie: It looks great, the first DCEU movie that I've honestly wanted to see. Kelly is pumped to see it. Hopefully you'll get a review from me while it's still in theaters. :-) − June 9, 2017 • more by Scott

Scott Hardie: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − June 12, 2017 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − June 12, 2017 • more by Evie

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Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”

Fun movie. Diana's best qualities come through, and she gets to kick butt in a terrific action sequence when she almost single-handedly invades a German-occupied town. I liked the sense of humor around her ignorance about the "man's world," and I liked the underplayed romance between the two main characters, even if it felt like Steve took over as the point of view during the London scenes. (Who's the hero here, anyway?) The villains, though they skewed a little cartoonish and underdeveloped, also basically worked for the story being told here. My only real criticism is the (anti-)climactic battle, which takes place in a super-fake CGI/green-screen space that has no sense of dimension or position or weight, seeming to consist entirely of fire and smoke. The Justice League trailer heavily features this same "setting" and it disappoints me; the aforementioned action scene in a German-occupied town takes place on actual sets with props and furniture and we have a sense of where people are standing and it feels much more real. Keeping the focus on the characters and not on the CGI would be a prudent course for DC's movies to follow from here.

− June 11, 2017 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

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Erik Bates: “It ruled.”

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− July 5, 2017 • more by Eriklog in or create an account to reply

Evie Totty: Well admittedly for folks my age who watched the TV show the love story was necessary and we were also robbed! :) − July 5, 2017 • more by Evie

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