Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”

Miyazaki once again puts most animators to shame with his joie de vivre and attention to detail. His take on The Little Mermaid is for young kids, but it's as gorgeous as any other film he's made, especially the breathtaking first few minutes.

− November 5, 2009 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Amy Austin: I know this sounds like a horrible, horrible endorsement, but I was just tired!!!

What I saw of it -- about the first third to half -- was *awesome*, and I'm really dying to see the rest! I was just too tired to keep my eyelids open -- it was like when I drove down from RI! (or when I stayed awake through the whole weekend for GooCon) -- and I was so upset when I woke up and the movie was over!

I pretty certain that I only had sweet dreams during it, though... it was really adorable. At least I didn't miss those first few minutes -- that was breathtaking, indeed! − November 5, 2009 • more by Amy

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Evie Totty: “It ruled.”

Studio Ghibli making a story based on My Little Mermaid. Need I say more? :D

− April 11, 2018 • more by Evielog in or create an account to reply

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Scott Hardie says, "It ruled." Go »


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