Scott Hardie: “It was ok.”

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− February 1, 2017 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Scott Hardie: Netflix's plot description is way, way off. I have no idea where they got that. − February 1, 2017 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: LMAO "In this supernatural thriller, a man already shattered by a personal loss finds his world increasingly haunted by four young women, all of whom are after the same thing: his mortal identity."

I haven't seen the film (nor your spoiler review) and I know that's wrong. :joy: − February 1, 2017 • more by Evie

Evie Totty: What do you think now that a sequel has been announced?

Though yes I do agree that the horror would have stuck had they ended it where you said. My heart broke for that girl. − May 10, 2017 • more by Evie

Scott Hardie: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − May 10, 2017 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: You know - I finished the movie and was like 'where was the twist?' (Given what I said below - I had to actually think about it, and I suppose it stood out a little more since I had already heard of the 'sequel' before I watched it. Admittedly - that announcement is the only reason I watched it since I love Unbreakable so much) − May 12, 2017 • more by Evie

Scott Hardie: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − March 3, 2023 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − March 9, 2023 • more by Evie

Scott Hardie: Heh. "Shammy." That man must have so many nicknames. − March 10, 2023 • more by Scott

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Evie Totty: “It was ok.”

It was probably better than 'OK' - certainly much better than his - not even recent - stories. I was one of the few people who didn't like Signs so yeah.

The last film I thoroughly enjoyed by him was Unbreakable and that is one of my favorite films of all time.

It's a fascinating look at whether or not those with MPD or DID or whatever they call it these days (people who have created alternate personalities in order to protect themselves from trauma) actually have physical changes.

And then the twist at the end. Not your normal M. Night twist but there nonetheless. With a sequel announcement a few months later.

That said: Worth seeing? Yes Worth repeat seeing at a theater? No but sure at home.

− May 10, 2017 • more by Evielog in or create an account to reply

Evie Totty: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − May 10, 2017 • more by Evie

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Erik Bates: “It was ok.”

Not much more to say here that Scott and Evie haven't already said. I'll just leave it at that.

− July 5, 2017 • more by Eriklog in or create an account to reply

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Samir Mehta: “It was ok.”

Ditto Scott.

− December 2, 2017 • more by Samirlog in or create an account to reply

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