Samir Mehta: “It ruled.”

Maybe the best PT Anderson movie yet. It's engaging, difficult, and gorgeous to look at.

− December 17, 2012 • more by Samirlog in or create an account to reply

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Erik Bates: “It sucked.”

I'm so confused right now. I just sat through 2 hours of a movie with no plot. The three actors who came away with Academy Award nominations earned their accolades -- especially Phoenix and Hoffman -- but it makes perfect sense that while the actors got credit, the film itself was ignored by the academy.

Paul Thomas Anderson is known for Boogie Nights (seen it, it sucked), Magnolia (seen it, it sucked), Punch Drunk Love (seen it, it was barely ok), and There Will Be Blood (haven't seen it, and now I'm afraid to).

When Anderson was in film school, they taught him about plot, right?

Or maybe he didn't go to film school. Or has never seen a movie that he hasn't made.

That would actually explain a whole hell of a lot.

− March 15, 2013 • more by Eriklog in or create an account to reply

Scott Hardie: Ouch. Maybe it's a matter of expectation? Anderson emphasizes intense emotion, making you feel a certain way instead of engaging your mind with an intricate story (or really much of a story at all). He's the opposite of Christopher Nolan in that sense. I don't like all of his pictures, but the ones that I do (Hard Eight, Magnolia, and Punch Drunk Love) inspire me to approach each new film he makes with hope for something really good. − March 17, 2013 • more by Scott

Erik Bates: Maybe I was a little harsh in my review. Don't get me wrong, I still didn't enjoy the movie. Clearly, Anderson has some sort of talent that just doesn't speak to my tastes. His movies always seem to get accolades by the critics, so there's clearly something I'm missing.

Also, I was probably too harsh on my comment re: Punch Drunk Love. I'll put that one solidly in the "OK" category. − March 18, 2013 • more by Erik

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Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”

This review contains spoilers. Reveal it.

− April 2, 2013 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

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