
Scott Hardie: “It was ok.”
You can almost hear the bottom of the superhero barrel being scraped. This two-hour preview for The Avengers is not compelling and cuts away every time it starts to build momentum, but it does possess some charm and beautiful designs for Asgard.
− May 15, 2011 more by Scott log in or create an account to reply
Scott Horowitz: I didn't hate it , but I didn't love it either... I had a hard time with Natalie Portman as an astrophysicist − May 27, 2011 more by Scott
Scott Hardie: Me too. But as the Hollywood kind of "astrophysicist" who drives around the desert in a van, alternately typing nonsense into a laptop and staring urgently at the sky, she's perfect. − May 27, 2011 more by Scott
Erik Bates: Hardie hit the nail on the head: Natalie Portman is perfect. :-) − May 29, 2011 more by Erik
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