Scott Hardie | January 23, 2014
I saw a pair of good articles about Netflix recently:

- The One Killer Feature Netflix is Still Missing, a brilliant idea

- How Netflix Reverse-Engineered Hollywood, an examination of Netflix's surprisingly complex tagging structure for movies

A friend of mine wished for a randomize button in his queue. Me, I'd settle for Max being less of a dick. What changes would you like to see Netflix make?

Erik Bates | January 23, 2014
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | January 25, 2014
I feel the same way. I'd love to see a sampler of exemplary episodes to find out what I'm missing with beloved programs, in ways that first episodes can't always demonstrate. I could also enjoy making my own lists. This is such a no-brainer idea that I wonder if someone has already-- yep, they have.

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