Richard Slominsky | May 20, 2009
Congrats Russ... Sorry it is a little late..

Steve West | May 20, 2009
Hmmm... I thought you had that many in that streak of yours. Congrats.

Amy Austin | May 21, 2009
I hear that!

Scott Hardie | June 12, 2009
Russ, in addition to hitting 1000 this round, you deserve congratulations for racking up your fourth victory in Celebrity Goo Game! Steve and Amy gave you a hard contest to the end, but you pulled it off. You're an excellent player at this game. :-)

This weekend, I intend to revisit the rules not just for requesting goos, but for the tournament and prizes, to decide whether some slight tweaks I have in mind will be worth implementing in the "extra large" round that will begin in just under two hours. I'll provide an update later, and I might solicit feedback about the changes before I make them. Right now, I'm exhausted after a punishing work week and I'm off to claim my own reward at the end of the tournament, a full night's sleep for a change. Good luck in the new round, everybody.

Scott Hardie | June 12, 2009
Oh, the hell with it. The idea I've been kicking around is forcing an end to the tournament not by a timed goo at the end, but by timed goos each day. The timer wouldn't matter unless everyone guesses the goo correctly, in which case the slowest guess would be eliminated. If some players guessed correctly, any player who did not guess correctly would be eliminated. If no players guessed correctly, the ones who at least ventured an incorrect guess would remain in the tournament, but those who didn't try a guess would be eliminated.

The major advantage of this solution would be that some progress would happen daily in the tournament eliminations, eventually forcing a win by process of elimination instead of letting a tie persist for days. I like seeing daily progress, and I like that the tournament would take as many days as necessary instead of a fixed number, and I like that there couldn't be a potential pileup of good players on the last day. However, the major disadvantage would be the increased anxiety for the players who don't like to be timed. I feel your pain, friends.

I'm also considering going for 100 goos this round instead of 75. The lack of delay between rounds has caused the tournaments to feel too close together. On the other hand, after a few dozen goos, most players get locked into the tournament with a high score or locked out with a low score, so there's no more drama, and no more need to keep qualifying players in the open round. I'm on the fence here.

I'll keep the possible prizes changes to myself for now.

Feedback? Thank you.

Chris Lemler | June 12, 2009
Russ you think you just take a break so I can WIN one

Steve Dunn | June 12, 2009
Congratulations Russ!

Scott Hardie | June 15, 2009
I'm still thinking about the rule changes. I should have a decision this week.

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