Anna Gregoline | October 11, 2004
People generally condemn day-dreaming as a waste of time. Do you agree with this view, or do you see some benefits of daydreaming?

Lori Lancaster | October 11, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | October 11, 2004
What is with all the flack over new posts? Don't you guys LIKE more discussions on TC? =)

Lori Lancaster | October 11, 2004
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Kris Weberg | October 11, 2004
Columbus has a what, now?

Anna Gregoline | October 11, 2004
Lori, you seem rather critical/resentful of my new posts. I only want to keep Tragic Comedy moving, and I like to see more discussions. What's wrong with that? If you don't like a post, you can always ignore it, and, of course, you're always welcome to post your own. I'd like to see more posts from other people. I only post things that I feel would make fun discussions.

Lori Lancaster | October 11, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | October 12, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | October 12, 2004
For three reasons: one, your comment in the one thread was odd, (BLAH) and two, coupled with the other comment about how you've "figured me out" and pointing out how I was bored and posting seemed to me to negate any validity of my post. You also said that Scott went into conniptions over my posting a lot, which to me insinuated that I was posting to try and win favoritism here, which is not the case. And three, I know you don't like me. So I took it negatively. I'm mostly on the defensive because I know you don't like me. Which I know becomes self-perpetuating.

I'm sorry if I did so, but those were my reasons.

Lori Lancaster | October 12, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | October 12, 2004
That's the exact opposite for me, I guess. I remember what people say about me and after the last explosion on this board, I can't help but feel very defensive about what I'm posting. I've honestly tried to be very careful about what I say and I've been revising left and right, but for some reason I sometimes read a tone into what you say. I'm sure that's wrong to do, but it happens sometimes when you think someone doesn't like you, or is going to look at you critically the first time. Also, you've said a few times now that I should ask questions about something you said if I don't understand - I never "don't understand" as such, I reply with a response to what I think you said. What else can I do but that? If it's wrong, then yes, please tell me I misunderstood.

Most of this has come out of a misunderstanding about the "BLAH." I felt jumped on by a few people just for posting more than one post at a time, something I thought would be great. I was embarrassed that others might see me as so bored I'm just striking up conversations for no reason, which is really what I was doing, in essence, but I only post things I think would be interesting to talk about though. I guess I just took the whole thing as a "roll your eyes, Anna's posting again" kind of thing.

Anna Gregoline | October 12, 2004
Once again, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to all explode again. Misunderstanding, carry on.

Anthony Lewis | October 12, 2004
I hate Yankee fans! :-p

Carry on Anna. :-)

Steve Dunn | October 12, 2004
Yeah, Yankees suck!

(Have you ever walked into a conversation and immediately realized you had no business being there? That's how I feel right now.)

Lori Lancaster | October 12, 2004
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Jackie Mason | October 12, 2004
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John E Gunter | October 13, 2004
Hey Anthony and Steve, bite me! :-D

Now to the subject at hand. I think there is nothing wrong with daydreaming. In fact, I think it's a very health exercise for intelligence. It probably also helps us keep our sanity.

I try not to do it to the extreme, though, that would be obsessive. Everything in moderation, I always say.


Scott Horowitz | October 13, 2004
Oh, I could hide ’neath the wings
Of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o’clock alarm would never ring.
Whoops it’s ringing and I rise,
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
My shavin’ razor’s cold and it stings.

Cheer up, sleepy jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.

You once thought of me
As a white knight on a steed.
Now you know how happy I can be.
Oh, and our good times starts and end
Without dollar one to spend.
But how much, baby, do we really need.

Cheer up, sleepy jean.
Oh, what can it mean.
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen.

Scott Hardie | October 14, 2004
Jesus Christ. Maybe I need to take TC offline for a few weeks if a little bit of kidding keeps getting construed as insults. You both saw each others' smileys; did either of you really think the other one intended it as an insult? Chill out, folks. Don't be hatin'.

Something tells me that won't be good enough for the Yankee discussion... I don't even know if I want to get into that one...

Anyway, I'm of the opinion that daydreaming is a physiological function that we don't even realize is necessary, like laughter. If it's so bad for us, why can't we stop doing it? It's the same as night dreams; an effort by our brain to sort out what we con't consciously know.

On a related note, I finally achieved my first lucid dream the other night, flying around town at will. It felt great. They say to watch out for two sure signs that you're dreaming (you can't turn off the lights and you can't read fine text) to trigger lucid dreaming, and now that I write code all day and dream about it at night, it's a lot easier to notice that second trigger.

Kris Weberg | October 15, 2004
Actually, you can read in some dreams -- or at least, I can create unwittingly text in them after waking.

But I rarely remember dreams, and never have fully lucid dreams.

Steve Dunn | October 15, 2004
I almost never remember my dreams, but occasionally I'll realize I'm dreaming and whenever that happens I ALWAYS go flying. Why do anything else? I've flown through school, the mall, and over lots of open fields. For the past few years, though, more often I've only been able to levitate and it's not as free and easy as it once was. It's like I can jump REALLY high in the air, and then just hang there, or drift higher, but not really fly around like I used to.

It kinda sucks, because sometimes I even stress about levitating up so high and worry about suddenly falling.

Sitting here writing this, I think I might have figured out my problem... Maybe I became so accustomed to flying in my dreams that being able to fly is no longer such a strong signal that I'm actually dreaming? I think that's it - because whenever the levitation thing happens, I definitely do NOT realize I'm dreaming. It doesn't seem unusual to me at all that I can hang in the air.


Oh hell yeah, now it's on. Next time I levitate in a dream, I'm going to remember this discussion and start flying Neo-style all over the world!!!

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