Anna Gregoline | August 13, 2004
Should employers have the right to require their employees to take drug tests? Why or why not?

Scott Hardie | August 13, 2004
Drug tests are an invasion of privacy. Whether an employee does a good job or a bad job is not affected by whether he smokes marijuana at home any more than whether he is black or gay or elderly, things we no longer allow workers to use as grounds for discrimination. But drugs tests will keep being performed as long as lawsuits continue to make employers responsible for workplace injuries when workers are intoxicated. And if I'm not mistaken, several states require mandatory drug tests for certain industries, whether the companies involved give a crap or not.

Anna Gregoline | August 13, 2004
If an employer notices your job performance is impaired, it shouldn't matter by what.

I wouldn't even apply for a job if the application required drug testing.

Erik Bates | August 13, 2004
[hidden by request]

Melissa Erin | August 13, 2004
[hidden by request]

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