Kris Weberg | March 10, 2006
Since Anna mentioned it below -- and, Anna, you kindle discussion, I gotta say -- how does everyone feel about their photos here? I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Scottt instituted them for every post, and for those TCers I\'ve never met, it provides a nice way to track the changes in people\'s lives.

I changed my photo after Anna\'s wedding, since I finally had a good shot of myself with a haircut and grown-up clothes and all of it. And as you may recall, it\'s the best photo of myself there is from that weekend :)

Mike Eberhart | March 10, 2006
I'm perfectly happy with my picture.

Lori Lancaster | March 10, 2006
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | March 10, 2006
I don't like mine because I look like a maniac chipmunk. It was taken outside of the voting place for the November 2004 election. It was cold out, so I'm all rosey too. I've also lost a little weight since then (but not enough yet).

So I'm going to have to dig up a picture if I stay on here, cause I really hate that one.

Aaron Shurtleff | March 10, 2006
I'm not really a picture fan, personally, but I don't have a problem with mine. I've been going in the wrong direction with weight, though, so it's in my best interest to keep the old thinner photo then to update! :)

Jackie Mason | March 11, 2006
[hidden by request]

David Mitzman | March 11, 2006
My photo was takin at a bar on Bell Blvd in Queens at a bar I forget the name of. I was out with my friend Kaitlin from college and a few other friends who live in that area. I like the pic but if a new one of me gets taken that I like, I will post it.

Steve Dunn | March 14, 2006
I like mine OK. I should probably update at some point, just to keep things fresh. That's still what I look like though. Complete thoughts on the avatar here: (link)

Erik Bates | March 14, 2006
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Steve Dunn | March 14, 2006
Mike, what an awesome picture. I'd never seen the full version before. I'm more of a Panthers fan, myself, but you might be interested to know that I've had very good experiences with Marc Bulger on my fantasy team.

Speaking of kids, I'm about to have my first one, like, in a month. A girl. It's at that point I'll begin learning how to hold a baby and change a diaper. I'm a "learn by doing" type of guy. I understand parenthood is like that anyway, no matter what you do.

Lori Lancaster | March 14, 2006
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | March 14, 2006
I like the ebonics in your post, Erik...hehehe

Mine is taking outside of Beaver Stadium at the Joe Paterno Statue.

Jackie Mason | March 16, 2006
[hidden by request]

Steve Dunn | March 16, 2006
We're keeping the name a secret until she's born. Thanks for your congrats. Fortunately most people we know have already had kids, so we're getting a ton of free stuff!

Scott Horowitz | March 16, 2006
Congrats Steve, just don't make the celebrity mistake and give your kid a weird name... hehehe

Sometimes I wonder why these celebs don't name their kids "Beat the Shit out of my for my stupid name"??

Scott Hardie | March 27, 2006
Congrats, Steve. This is wonderful news. I look forward to reading new-parent entries on BTD, that is when you have the rare chance to write them. :-)

If I had my way, photos would change on here every few months. Mine has been up since Anna's wedding in October (thank you Kris for taking it), and is overdue for a change. If anyone wants to take this chance to update their photo, you know where to send a new one.

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