Anna Gregoline | August 12, 2004
Is there one cause or situation for which you would be willing to risk your life?

Scott Hardie | August 12, 2004
If I could be guaranteed that my sacrifice would bring about real progress towards a solution, yes, I can think of a few. A cure for diabetes always come to my mind first, but I'd also give my life to help cure cancer and AIDS.

Anna Gregoline | August 12, 2004
Diabetes, that's interesting. I've never heard that as a cause. What makes you say that, as opposed to malaria or something like that?

Melissa Erin | August 12, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | August 12, 2004
Diabetes killed my father and grandfather. It's not unlikely to be my eventual killer, either.

Scott Hardie | August 12, 2004
Cancer killed my brother and aunt, and very nearly killed my mother and other aunt. But everybody always says cancer.

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