Jackie Mason | October 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | October 22, 2004
Do you know how many times the news has called LaGuardia an "international" airport?

Anna Gregoline | October 22, 2004
Wow, what idiots. Midway is all I've used since I've lived here.

Todd Brotsch | October 22, 2004
Yeah...midway doesn't get any of the props that ORD gets. Though I suppose it's becuase O'hare is huge, more popular, and well....ya know, it's o'hare. Though, having Midway is good, becuase of the stress it takes off of O'hare. But ya never hear about the secondary airports arountd the country, orlando has a few, all anyone cares about is MCO, not to mention New York City...JFK , Newark and Laugider (sp) but since JFK is the big dog....

Who knows, airports are cool, and I love living in them...

Todd Brotsch | October 22, 2004
International is in relation to what it connects to. Within one connection getting you an international flight, is usally the rule o thumb.

Scott Horowitz | October 22, 2004
JFK may be the largest airport in the area, but LGA gets the most traffic. I personally hate flying out of LGA, you are more likely to be delayed there than any airport in the world.

Anna Gregoline | October 22, 2004
Midway makes me feel fuzzy and dreadful, because Jesse and I spent so much time in it and in Boston/Logan and Providence/TF Green visiting each other back and forth for two years. I'm so happy not to have to do that anymore!

Erik Bates | October 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | October 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

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