Scott Hardie | June 15, 2024
What food did you eat often as a child and will never eat as an adult? Why?

Steve West | June 15, 2024
Food my parents liked therefore fed regularly to us kids that I forswear as an adult include: beef liver and onions, Spam, kale, okra, brussel sprouts, broccoli, liverwurst, olive loaf, Cheez Whiz, canned mixed vegetables, TV dinners, Ragu spaghetti sauce, canned salmon, cheap frozen pizza, cheap tuna, and Miracle Whip. All or these were served at least monthly, some weekly. Served less frequently, raw hamburger. They all prompt a gag reflex primarily if I smell them There's more, I'm sure.

Erik Bates | June 16, 2024
Meatloaf. Can’t stand the stuff.

Scott Hardie | June 18, 2024
I didn't intend to ask this on Father's Day weekend. That was a coincidence. (Samir, you were on my mind Sunday.)

Of course, I miss the good dishes that my parents made and can't again. I was just craving my mother's pasta salad last week. I'd give a lot to have her recipes for almond pie or mac & cheese with tomatoes, or my father's fried perch or spaghetti casserole. Erik, you mentioned meatloaf, but my father made a really good meatloaf and it would be on that list for me too.

Raw hamburger? I guess I'm glad I didn't eat at the West household back then. I like broccoli fine but the rest of that list doesn't appeal to me either.

I can't say that there was anything I was forced to eat often. If I disliked it, I'd fight it every time, and I'd wear my parents down until they just gave up trying to force me. I guess I would have considered myself lucky that way at the time, but looking back, I think I missed many opportunities to broaden my palate. :-\

Steve West | June 18, 2024
I like meatloaf and I recently tried Outback Steakhouse's variety. I'd order it again.

Samir Mehta | June 18, 2024
[hidden by request]

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