Scott Hardie | August 13, 2001
Here's an attack on Free Tibet bumper stickers.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm very much in favor of freeing Tibet. I consider it an important cause, unlike the author of this article. I know the age and location of the Dalai Lama, unlike Joe in the reply section. But I do have to agree with this guy: Freeing Tibet has become a very trendy cause, and that's stupid.

Scott Hardie | April 12, 2008
I'm with the Olympic protesters, but this pretty much says it.

Amy Austin | April 12, 2008
From "Steve" in the peanut gallery... Why should we free it? The chinese do a damned fine job- hell, let's let them annex Myanmar, Korea, and the stupid parts of America (hello, rhode island!)


(However, I do find myself now wanting the "I Enjoy Oxygen" bumper sticker.)

Eric Wallhagen | April 14, 2008
I'm more amused by people's reactions than anything else. This "Jennifer" in the responses for example: "It's unfortunate that you're thought process is so simplistic." Then she goes on to claim she was a college professor for several years, and proceeds to follow with a terrible run-on sentence with way too many commas. It scares me that we have college professors with such a poor grasp of the English language that they don't even know the difference between your, and you're.

And Scott, that comic is priceless, hahahahah.

P.S. Where can I get one of those "Communism 4 me! (and you!)" bumper stickers?

Amy Austin | April 15, 2008
Word. (On all counts.)

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