Scott Hardie | June 6, 2002
Pardon my language, but I'm fed up with both Hotmail and, my web host. I've put up with what seemed like a lot of errors lately on Hotmail, from friends writing to me but getting the messages returned undeliverable, to my messages not getting received by anyone. Today I read that Hotmail is intentionally blocking a certain number of messages from each free user to encourage users to sign up for the MSN Extra Storage package, $19.95 a year. Fuck that! I am DONE with Hotmail.

So, even though I won't be getting my new Internet access provider (TimeWarner cable, called "Road Runner" around here) until after June 15th, when I move into my new home, I decided to get the new email address early. I really want to use as my new email address. I can have it go straight into that mailbox and read it on the site, or I can have it forward it to any other address I specify. I wanted to test it to make sure it was POP3 compatible, but first I needed to reconfigure it. So just now, I try to log into my control panel for Nomonthlyfees, and it says that it's disabled. This does happen from time to time, and when it does, I just contact tech support and it's reenabled within ten minutes. But I get to the tech support page, and it says that they're moving all sites over to a new server and all control panels are disabled till the move is done, period. I run a search to see if has been moved yet, and it reports, "Your site has not been moved. Please check back tomorrow." Excuse me? I paid hundreds of dollars to be told I can't access the control panel of my site until they get off their asses? Fuck them!


Okay, I think I need to calm down now. But I'm going to find a new host and I'm going to find one very soon.

Scott Hardie | June 6, 2002
Grrrrr... After consideration, I've reluctantly decided to give it one day. I want to give Nomonthlyfees a chance to move my server and get my Control Panel working again. (And their slogan is, "Support is Our Top Priority!") I really want to make my address at In fact, once the system is converted to PHP (how's it coming, Matt?), I plan to give every registered user his/her own email address on This is so that you can email any user right from the site - the account can forward messages to whatever the user's real email address is, and the real address never appears on the site so spammers can't find it. My own would be scotthardie, but I need to configure my Control Panel to do this, and then run some tests. I want to do this badly enough that I'm willing to give it one more day. ONE.

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