Scott Hardie | July 30, 2001
I used to play role-playing games a lot back in high school. They were fun, but I have trouble getting in to anything very much, and after a while I lost interest. Why am I playing so many of them these days?

Not counting my own on the web, which is on temporary hiatus, I'm playing in a D&D 3rd edition game, a BESM game, and starting in two weeks, I'll be running a Marvel Super Heroes campaign. (And I stopped reading comic books before I stopped playing RPGs, so my Marvel Universe is sort of permanently frozen at 1995.)

All of these games are with the same group of friends, so I think it's just that they love to play and I join them in that activity. If I asked most of my other friends to game, I'd get a flat no. It's hard enough just talking people into playing Survivor.

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