Scott Horowitz | July 22, 2005
They are extending the Patriot Act.


Does anyone actually think that knowing what library books I check out automatically determines whether I'm a terrorist or not?

Mike Eberhart | July 22, 2005
For you, Yes.... :)

E. M. | July 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | July 22, 2005
I'd be impressed..

Scott Hardie | July 23, 2005
When I was kid, there were dumb rules in the lunchroom, like if you wear green on Tuesday it means you're gay. I think of that every time I read about the government scanning library records looking for terrorists.

I can't say I'm disappointed in Congress extending the Patriot Act, since I expected it to happen from day one. I do wish they'd merely extended the sunset clause another few years instead of making it permanent.

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