Jackie Mason | May 15, 2007
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Denise Sawicki | May 15, 2007
I don't live in a city exactly (Fargo, North Dakota) but I definitely noticed people seemed to be more trigger happy with their car horn in Chicago than here. :P In Chicago you get honked at if you don't dart through the smallest posible gap in traffic on a left turn. I haven't driven in Minneapolis much but I didn't notice too many people getting pissed at me there...

Aaron Shurtleff | May 15, 2007
I haven't driven through or near many of those cities, but I'll agree that Miami is probably right where they belong. I'd also say that Boston should be over New York, but I do have a Boston bias! ;)

Philly wasn't that bad when I drove through there, and I'd definately say that Pittsburgh is getting a bum rap. I once accidentally drove the wrong way up a one way street in Pittsburgh, and the people there were about as nice about the situation as I could have ever expected (more patient than I would have been, honestly). That was about 7 years ago, so I suppose things might have changed.

Atlanta...hmmm...that's a toss up for me. I've been through there with no problems, and I've been through there when it's horrible, and everyone's honking and bird flipping. It can be an odd city. It's the city where I first had a homeless person wander up to me and ask for money, then ask for weed, then try to sell me weed. Ah, memories!

I don't see Saint Petersburg (although, depending on the source, we could be lumped in with Tampa...:( ), but I wouldn't be surprised to see us on the list...possibly. I thi8nk the people around here are tougher on the "snowbirds" and those perceived as snowbirds than they are on the locals. If that kind of thing is factored in, then we're mean to northerners (deservedly, for the most part!!!), and nice to locals! :)

Erik Bates | May 16, 2007
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Jackie Mason | May 16, 2007
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Scott Hardie | May 23, 2007
If Tampa is that low, heaven help the people in the top 15.

Lori Lancaster | May 23, 2007
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Jackie Mason | May 23, 2007
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Erik Bates | May 24, 2007
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Jackie Mason | May 24, 2007
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Erik Bates | May 24, 2007
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Scott Hardie | May 25, 2007
Driving in downtown Chicago can be fun if you purposefully enjoy the adrenaline rush. There's nothing like going 45mph with a one-inch margin on either side of your vehicle and coming out without a scratch.

Jackie Mason | May 26, 2007
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Tony Peters | May 27, 2007
I know what that's like Scott...but then I've ridden a scooter in Tokyo rush hour traffic just for fun

Scott Hardie | May 28, 2007
When I quote anyone from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, that's the NASCAR talking. (I can't bring myself to say "Here's your sign" here.)

A friend vacationed in Malaysia and said there are layers of traffic there: Trucks, then cars, then motorcycles, then bicyclists, then pedestrians. When the truck swerves suddenly, the other layers absorb the shift in decreasing degrees so that the outermost layer is in the least danger. Makes sense, I guess.

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